Blackstrap Molasses Drink and Hair

molasses healthy drink in a glass for hair growth

Did you know that blackstrap molasses drink is a healthy alternative to help boost your Iron levels and health of your hair?
We have all been there. Trying to figure out how to incorporate some iron-rich foods into our diet without having to pull out your hair.
Try our blackstrap molasses drink – you will not regret it!

Iron-rich Oats & Nuts Breakfast for Hair Regrowth

Oats & Nuts in a bowl for hair regrowth

Iron-rich Oats & Nuts makes our weekly recipe for hair regrowth. Delicous & nutritious, this recipe will save time & raise your iron levels. It is also easy to prepare the night before, making it convienient for those busy mornings.

Spinach and Apple Salad to Combat Hair Loss

Spinach in a bowl

Spinach and Apple Salad is a tasty, light and quick meal to help combat hair loss. Packed with essential nutrients, this food will see help resolve any iron deficiency and hair issues.

Perimenopause and Thinning Natural Hair

Black woman with short afro holds ballon to celebrate life despite thinning hair and perimenopause

Hair loss during Perimenopause can be very distressing. This not only puts a damper on your natural hair journey, but can feel overwhelming when you are juggling life and experiencing all the other premenopausal symptoms.
But fear not, NaHaZo has got you covered.


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