Handy Hacks on How to Care for a Synthetic Wig

Woman with synthetic wig

Handy Hacks on How to Care for a Synthetic Wig

Wigs are handy as a protective style and it helps to be clued up on on how to care for a synthetic wig.

Want to become a pro at caring for your wig?

NaHaZo has you covered. At the end of this article you will be clued up on all things synthetic wig care including wash day, styling your wig and getting the most out of your style.

And most importantly, these tips will have you looking good on a budget.

Let’s dive right in.

We will be discussing:-

*Pssst, get clued up What you need to Know about Synthetic Wigs?

1. How to wash a Synthetic Wig?

It is important to remember that a synthetic wig is made of man-made fibres. 

These fibres are similar to the ones used for some of your clothing and so there is no need to wash them using your expensive hair shampoo.

Water pouring down

Rather take your clue from the fact that the material is synthetic.

Our NaHaZo Synthetic Wig Hack is to wash your wig using regualr laundry detergent.

Yes, you heard right!

The detergent that you use on your synthetic and cotton clothes should do the job.

Before you get into a panic and burn your wig, read on. This hack really works and will get you hair looking as good as the first day you bought it.

And you can use this hack on straight, curly and wavy synthetic hair.


• Laundry detergent
• Fabric softener
• Basin or large bowl


1. Add room temperature water to your basin / bowl or sink. (It should be large enough to submerge and swirl the hair around). Please DO NOT use too hot or too cold water as your wig will be stiffer and harder than Morticia’s broom.

2. Add a bit of laundry detergent followed by (half it’s lid cover) of fabric softener and swish them around to mix.

3. Lower the wig(s) into the mixure until fully submerged and then swirl it around for a minute or so. Whatever you do, DON’T wring or squeeze your hair as this will make it tangle and more frizz-prone.

4. After this, leave your wig sitting in the water for NO MORE than 30 minutes.

Do not leave it too long as it will harden. The idea is for the fabric softener to penetrate the strands, and give them a softer, smoother appearance.

5. To rinse, hold the wig under running water, gently scrunching and massaging the wig until ALL of the detergent has been removed.

6. Let it air dry and after it is completely dry, you can finger detangle to remove any tangles and then brush it with a wide-toothed comb / brush. Make sure you work your way from the bottom to the top.

And voila! Your wig will be as good as new.

Feel free to snip off the ends to give it a fresher look, as these are the oldest part of your hair and are prone to looking ratty.

NaHaZo bonus tip: If you do not want to walk around smelling like fresh laundry, you can use a fabric softner with little to no smell.


  • Do not brush the hair when it is damp / wet – wait for it to get completely dry.
  • Do not blow dry your wig;
  • If you need to, use cold air held a distance from the hair;
  • Keep your expensive shampoo and conditioner for your own hair; and
  • Do not only use fabric softener. This does not cleanse the hair, but just coats the synthetic fibre – giving it a hard, shiny look. Add some detergent to the mix. 

Armed with this hack, you can wash and revive all the oily, stiff wigs hiding at the back of your cupboard.

Now on to one of the most googled questions about synthetic wigs, and that is if you can dye synthetic wigs.

2. Can you dye a synthetic wig?

Gloves stained with dyeFirstly, yes, it is possible to dye a synthetic wig.

The only things that you should bear in mind is that dyeing your wig will reduce its shelf life, and as it is made of man made fibres, it may not bleach your hair as well as you want or even at all.

Secondly, you can only dye a synthetic wig from a lighter to a darker colour, and not vice versa.

Meaning you can dye a light grey, white or silver wig a darker hue. But you will struggle to dye a black synthetic wig blonde. This is one of the limitations of working with a man-made fibre.

With this T&C’s out of the way, let’s dive straight into the dye issue.

You will need to use a synthetic fabric dye. Do not use dyes that you would use on human hair, as it will not bleach the hair.

3. How to curl a synthetic wig without heat?

Heatless curls on your synthetic wig is possible.

And is easier than you think.

It is a no-brainer that using high heat on synthetic hair will not only damage the wig, but also melt it in some cases. Using your trusted old-school rollers can give your wig the curl without the burn.

Woman with rollers on her head to curl synthetic hair

Let’s dive in.


• Spray bottle with water
• Rollers with pin;
• Hot (not boiling) water; and
• Basin / bowl


  1. Thoroughly detangle your synthetic hair using your fingers first and then a wide-toothed comb.
  2. Section your wig into four parts and work section by section.
  3. Divide the first section into smaller parts and then spray lightly before running your wide-toothed brush through it.
  4. While it is still damp, roll this detangled smaller section of hair and then secure with a pin. Repeat until this section of hair is all in rollers, before moving to the next.
  5. Keep working in this way, until the whole wig is in rollers.
  6. When rolling up the front section, make sure you apply the rollers based on your parting (mid or side parting). Also put the rollers based on how you want to style your hair.
  7. Pour hot water into a basin and dip the rolled wig into the basin for a couple of dunks, before putting it aside to air dry.
  8. Once the wig is completely dry, take out the rollers and you will have bouncy, gorgeous curls.

You are now ready to style as desired and slay.

Styling synthetic wigs without heat is possible and after a few tries, you will be a pro at getting gorgeous, juicy curls on a budget.

Another plus is that you can use this method to switch up your look. If you have a straight wig and want to try the curly look – rollers and some air drying can give you that bouncy, curly look.

Which brings us to the age-old debated question of what products to use on synthetic wigs.

4. Products to use on your synthetic wigs

Products to care for synthetic wigs

There are ton of products on the market claiming they can bring shine to both human and synthetic hair.

Human hair, yes – synthetic hair – ummm not so much.

Again, it is important to remember that this is a man-made fibre and you do not need to treat it the way you would treat human hair. Or your own hair for that matter.

Instead of spending your hard-earned money on products that promise you the moon and 10,000 stars, rather DIY your own leave in conditioner to freshen up your wig.

Also, a wash should restore the look, and as long as it is properly stored and kept tangle free, you will not need to spray any alchoholic free products on your synthetic wig.

What you need?

• Spray bottle
• Leave-in conditioner
• Water


  1. Put water and conditioner in a spray bottle and shake it to mix.
  2. Spray your wig from the roots to the tips, smoothing the mixture into your strands.
  3. Finger detangle from the ends, taking your time to separate any tangles.
  4. Once finger detangled, you can use a wide-toothed paddle brush on your hair.

That’s it. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.

Give it a try and see how it works for your hair.

How to keep synthetic hair from frizzing?

Girl with synthetic hair

To keep your synthetic wig from frizzing, you need to become the patron saint of maintenance.

Yep! You need to watch and care for your wig like a hawk.

Prevention is better than cure and to keep your hair from frizzing:-

🌺You should avoid storing it in such a way that the strands tangle around one another. Invest in a good mannequin or silk lined wig bag, and store your wig in such a way that the strands all stay in their lane.

🌺Make it a habit to re-fresh / revive your wig with leave-in conditioner and water spray. Do this at least once every two weeks, especially on the ends and the crown. These parts are where most of the tangling happens.

🌺Regardless of how hot your date is, do not go to bed with your wig. Yes, it is a thing. On a more serious note, avoid treating it like your real hair. It is man-made and it will show you how man like it is by looking cheap, ratty and tangled in no time.

🌺DO NOT buy into so-called products for both human and synthetic hair. It doesn’t exist. Just get your spray bottle and keep it moving.

As long as you stay on top of these tips, wash it regularly and keep it product free, it should last longer than a boot camp subscription.

Also, make sure you know when it is time to let it go, Mavis. Give it a send-off and jump onto another protective style. This can be cornrows, braids, a weave or your trusted (synthetic) sis.

Want to stay on top of your hair care while in protective styling. Then you will benefit from Moisturising Oils Vs Sealant Oils discussion.

7. Conclusion

At the end of the day, you need to remember that synthetic hair is going to synthetic.

But this doesn’t mean that you must walk around like the last extra off a Mad Max set. No sir!

It rather means that you should expect a bit more wear and tear simply because it is not human hair.

However, all is well that is cared for well. And a well-maintained and cared for synthetic wig will reward you with a longer shelf life and many enviable selfies.

Armed with these handy tips and insights, you should work around looking like you just wondered off the set of Bridgerton, milady.

Ready to purchase your next wig? Check out our guide on How to Choose a Wig

Are you sold on any of these hacks? Do you have any one of your own? Let us know in the comments what your synthetic wig maintenance and care has been like.

Well, until the next high tea on wigs, happy naturaling dahlings!

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