Moisturising Oils Vs Sealant Oils

Moisturising and sealant oils on the table

Moisturising Oils Vs Sealant Oils

Knowing the difference between moisturising and sealant oils can be a big game-changer in your natural hair journey. 

This is because not all oils are made equal.

Some oils are more suited as sealants, while other oils are best used in a daily/weekly moisturising routine.

Sounds kinda confusing? Don’t worry.

We unpack all your questions by discussing:-

*Pssst, are you transitioning into winter and need some insight on how to care for your hair in the drier months? Our Top 10 Protective Styling Tips for Winter gives you all the hacks and tricks to care for your hair when the seasons change. 

1. Moisturising Oils

What are moisturising oils?

Moisturising oils are oils that penetrate the hair shaft, hydrating your hair in the process. In layman’s terms, moisturising oils are oils that enter inside the hair shaft.


The benefits of moisturising oils are that they:-

  • Add moisture to hair strands;
  • Help soften hair;
  • Strengthen and repair hair follicles; and
  • Help tame frizz and fly-away hairs.


Okive oil used in hair mask moisturising treatment

Moisturising oils work based when used with water based moisturising agent.

This can either be water itself (added on damp hair) or used together with a leave-in conditioner.

Want to introduce a conditioner with moisturising qualities into your hair regime? Try using Honey for Natural Hair in your regime to get hydrated strands & retain moisture for longer. 

When is it best to use moisturising oils?

Moisturising oils are best suited for use in hot-oil treatments, conditioning treatments, as well as during pre-poo routines.

These oils are also great for styling braid-outs and twist-outs.

NaHaZo tip: Have you kept your hair in protective styling for a long time? Moisturising oils are great for detangling matted hair.

What are some of the best moisturising oils?

With these benefits in mind, the following moisturising oils are best for hydrating natural hair:-

🌺 Olive Oil
🌺 Argan Oil
🌺 Avocado Oil
🌺 Almond Oil
🌺 Coconut Oil

Wanna get in-depth information about each of these moisturising oils. Take a look at NaHaZo’s Best Moisturising Oils for Natural Hair

2. Sealant Oils

What are sealant oils?

Lady wuth natural hair using a sealant to style her hair

Sealant oils, on the other hand, are known to coat the surface of the hair shaft, forming a barrier between hair and the environment.

These oils are usually thicker (not always) in consistency than moisturising oils and are known to give a greasy look and feel when generously applied.

In lay man’s terms, this oil sits on top of the hair shaft.

Keen to try your hand at making your own oil? Have a look at our tips on How to Make Rose Oil for Hair


Now that we understand what sealant oils do, we can better understand their benefits, such as:-

  • They form a protective barrier on the hair shaft;
  • Helps seal in moisture and reduces moisture loss
  • Keeps moisture from penetrating back into the hair; and
  • They add sheen and lustre to hair.

Pssst, do you have thinning hair and want to stimulate new growth Try out the DIY Coffee Water for Hair Growth which is a game changer when it comes to repairing hair damage.


Regarding usage, sealant oils are most effective after applying a moisturiser (water-based product).

This is because they help seal in the moisture and form a barrier to the external environment.

This means that these oils are particularly useful for sealing in moisture during dry, winter months.

What are the best sealant oils?

The best sealant oils are:-
🌺 Jamaican Black Castor Oil
🌺 Jojoba Oil
🌺 Grapeseed Oil

To get a more comprehensive look into these sealant oils, have a look at our 3 Best Oil Sealants for Natural Hair that you can incorporate into your hair care routine. 


Ultimately, knowing the difference between these oils helps you approach your LOC/LCO hair routine differently. This allows you to use the correct oils, and thus get the best out of your hair routine. 

Have you incorporated sealant and moisturising oil concepts in your LOC /LCO routine? Let us know in the comments if you have found this to be a game changer to your hair aspirations

Until the next time ladies, happy naturaling!

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