Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Growth

Aloe vera leaf showing the benefits of aloe leaf for hair

Aloe Vera Juice is beneficial for moisturizing hair, as well as minimizing breakage and retaining length. When used consistently, aloe vera juice is a game-changer in terms of maximizing hair growth between protective hairstyling.

DIY Coffee Water for Hair Growth

A cup of dark coffee to illustrate that coffee can be used for other things than drinking.

Coffee can be used as a rinse, leave-in conditioner or as a pre-poo treatment for your natural hair. Not only does it strengthen your hair, but it also helps prevent hair loss and shedding.

DIY Styling Gel for Natural Hair: Gelatin

Girl with natural hair using clear gel to show DIY Styling Gel for Natural Hair: Gelatin

Want a hair gel for natural hair that is cheap. easy to make, free of toxins and also doubles up as a source of protein? Look no further than the goodness of gelatin for your hair. This is a great fix to add to your daily hair routine.


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